
Tupperware abc box
Tupperware abc box

tupperware abc box

Tupperware keeps refrigerators and cupboards neat! No unsightly half-used packages, torn wrappings. Pie Wedge protects pie, eliminates wrapping. Carry salads, pudding and fruits in Kit Kups. Lunch box buddies … Kit Kups, set of 3 different sizes 95c, and Pie Wedge 39c each … add variety to lunch. Stacks of retro pastel plastic bowls, cups, plates & storage containers

tupperware abc box

The answer to the housewife’s demand for efficiency-economy… the woman’s demand for beauty Tupperware: A household word in homes everywhere! Vintage Tupperware containers from the 1950s In 1946, Tupperware was first sold on the home “Tupperware Party” plan, and only four years later, had become a multi-million-dollar business.īy 1952, the home party sale of Tupperware had become so important that a 1,000-acre national sales headquarters was established in Central Florida, just south of Orlando.Īs in the old days when women gathered to sew and talk, they come together now in each other’s homes to look and listen.Įven in New York City, where there are great department stores, super-supermarkets and all kinds of retail outlets, housewives play hostess to their neighbors at these “kaffee klatch” sales demonstrations. It was at this stage that he took a leaf from the past when selling, in towns as well as rural areas, was a personal matter between itinerant salesman and the householder.


Store clerks simply did not have time to show customers how to use Tupperware. It was a simple operation, but one which had to he demonstrated for greatest effectiveness.Įarl Tupper, who thought he had it made, was inundated with complaints about his fine product from disappointed customers. However, this was a case where the customer had to be shown how to use the product properly. Naturally, the inventor thought all he had to do to become rich was put his goods in retail stores where they’d sell themselves. By 1945, he had patented and put on the market an airtight seal for plastic containers. His single manufacturing and distributing company in Massachusetts was small and modest, but Tupper’s ideas were large and bold. The life of the American frontier may be a century removed from modern methods and habits, but one of its phases has been adapted to successful merchandising of a postwar product.Įarl Tupper, a pioneer in the polyethylene industry, began making plastic housewares in 1938. No matter how new and revolutionary a product or an idea may be, it is always related in some way to the past. Excerpted from The Emporia Gazette (Emporia, Kansas) July 2, 1960

Tupperware abc box